Gir Birding Lodge is a beautiful eco-lodge in Sasan Gir. It not only borders the Gir National Park, but also has lush, well-wooded grounds, and a beautiful mango orchard which, along with its comfortable rooms, makes for an amazing stay for travelers to Gir.

So what can you expect to do at Gir Birding Lodge? Here’s a list of the top 5 things one can experience on their visit here.

1. Safaris
Being in Gir National Park, of course, the prime attraction here is safaris to see lions. 
But booking here can sometimes be a hassle, not to mention that you’ll have to catch your jeep at a central point (called Sinh Sadan). Alternatively, you could do the smart thing and let the lodge team take that hassle off your minds. They will be happy to book your safaris for you, and even arrange for your jeep to pick you up from the lodge itself

2. Birdwatching
As the name suggests, Gir Birding Lodge prides itself on being Gir’s first lodge designed with the birder in mind. Whether you encounter beautiful birds in the well-wooded grounds and mango orchards, or go on a nature walk with the expert in-house naturalist, your visit here is one that will be full of birdsong!

3. Local culture
Sasan Gir is also home to some fascinating local and tribal communities.
Why not take a guided village walk with the Gir Birding Lodge team and learn more about local customs and traditions? The kitchen team will also be happy to organize a quick lesson on cooking some finger-licking-good local cuisine!

4. Siddi Traditional Dance
Speaking of tribal communities, did you know Gir’s Siddi community is of African origin? Their traditional dances are not only a delight to watch but also showcase their fascinating history.
With some prior notice, you can spend a memorable evening around a bonfire enjoying a performance in the comfort of the lodge.

5. Day Trips
You can also take a few day trips from Sasan.
Whether you want to visit the Somnath temple, learn more about monuments in Junagadh, 
or even take a scenic forest train ride, the lodge team will be happy to organize a day of exploring nearby wonders!

Truth be told, it’s hard to limit all that you can experience here to 5 things, and I’m sure the team here would love to help you experience everything possible here!
My suggestion? Plan a visit to Gir Birding Lodge soon and discover what lies in store for you!

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